Hangyodon Foldable Storage Case 衣物收納袋



產品詳情: 產品名稱: Hangyodon 衣物收納袋 型號: 9-8448-1 尺寸: • 闊度: 42cm • 高度: 30cm • 深度: 13cm 物料: 滌綸布 告別雜亂,旅行更愜意~ 從頭到腳收納,乾淨整潔避免淩亂尷尬。 收納袋體積細小,用途廣泛~ 附有手挽帶,方便攜帶外出使用。 安全警告: 請在成年人指導下使用。 Product Detail: Product Name: Hangyodon Foldable Storage Case Model no.: 9-8448-1 尺寸 • Width: 42cm • Height: 30cm • Depth: 13cm Material: Polyester Say goodbye to clutter and travel more easily. Store it from top to bottom, keeping things clean and tidy to avoid clutter and humiliation. The storage bag is small but flexible~ Comes with a hand strap for convenient transport and use on the go. Safety Warning: Please use under the supervision of an adult.
