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Hello Kitty Teens Backpack 中童背囊
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產品詳情 產品名稱: Hello Kitty 中童背囊 型號: 9-7962-1 尺寸 • 闊度: 26cm • 高度: 41cm • 深度: 16.5cm 物料: 聚酯纖維 這款可用作書包或休閒背囊,網料前袋,設計精美, 採用輕身物料,背面有一個隱藏式拉鍊袋,方便取物和保護重要物品, 多間隔收納更方便使用 (12個收納位) ,側袋可放水樽或雨傘, 附有配件掛扣,可掛飾物。 書包特點: • 透氣舒適網料背墊: 依照人體曲線結構設計,舒緩背部壓力 • 舒適闊肩帶: 使重量平均分散於兩肩並緊貼背部 • 可調胸帶: 使肩帶不會下滑,有助固定書包 • 隱藏式拉鍊袋 • 咭片拉鍊袋 注意事項: 圖片只供參考。圖示顏色可能與實物有別,應以實物為準。 安全警告: 請在成人指導下使用。 書包不提供維修服務。 Product Detail Product Name: Hello Kitty Teens Backpack Model No.: 9-7762-1 Size • Width: 26cm • Height: 41cm • Depth: 16.5cm Material: Polyester Suitable for school bag or casual use. Designed with lightweight material which can reduce the pressure on shoulders. A hidden pocket on back side is suitable for important belongings. Multiple compartment (12 pockets) for practical and effective storage. Designed with a hook for hanging accessories. School Bag Features: • Breathable padding: Designed according to body curve structure, cushioning back pressure. • Comfortable shoulder straps: Let the weight equally disperse both sides and close to the back. • Chest strap: Hold the shoulder straps against sliding sideways. Maintain the stability. • Hidden pocket on back side • Card pocket Cautions: The product image is for reference only. Any color variance depends on the real product. Safety Warning: Please use under supervision of adult. No maintenance will be provided.
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